No Lamp: Flowers In A Vase On A Table In A Room Where No One's Been or Seen

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11 x14 Oil on Paper Alla Prima .. Flowers brought to my wife from our in laws parents as they passed through town.
Keeps me looking. I was first drawn to the red and white flowers at the top, then the light green highlight on the vase, but oddly Im drawn to the juxtaposition of the small blue and grey of the center background. I am then drawn back to wander the flowers and vase. Like it.
The flowers look 3-D and the green vase glows. Very nice effects! And I agree that there's lots to tickle the eyes in this one. Well done!
So much for me to admire here! Love how the colour choices, knife work, and composition work together - great depth, and so many interesting marks.
Beautiful and balanced. I'm guessing there is palette knife work in some areas, correct?
Thank you Triss

Thank you moscatel. Yes, the majority of any of my paintings are knife. I use a brush occasionally but mostly knife.