Flowers In A Vase


old man
Floweres In A Vase.jpg

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Jan 29/24

...........and here is a close up for my painting buddy Zoran and anyone else who likes paint trails ..
Wow, there’s so much to like in this one! The background design, the colorful, textural flowers and the vase; just beautiful! I’ll be out of commission with a hand surgery soon but I’ll be peeking in to see what inspires you, Wayne.
Thanks Jo.

Thank you Donna. All the best with your surgery. You’ll be healed before you know it. ❤
How beautiful! And thank you for including the close-up image - I love seeing the textures created by the artist's hand. ❤️
Wow, there’s so much to like in this one! The background design, the colorful, textural flowers and the vase; just beautiful! I’ll be out of commission with a hand surgery soon but I’ll be peeking in to see what inspires you, Wayne.
Oh, I hope it goes well, Donna! ❤️ Please check in with us as soon as you're up to it and let us know how you're doing.
Wow! Love the detail shot. This is a truly special one that I sure hope doesn't wind up in the bin! :mad:

Donna: Good luck with your surgery. ♥️
Love the light / dark contrast and the blue flowers on the left side. So good! :)