New Painting, Same Problem: Background.


Whelp- here’s another one- my friend and his horse. But I continue to struggle with composition and the background. This one is a birthday gift- must be delivered soon. But I’m most unhappy with the with the mid- ground tree. Appreciate any and all suggestions. TIA.


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This is beautifully painted! the figure and horse are so convincing!
At first look the leaves seem to be competing with the figure. My guide is to always make the figure the star and every other element must support the star for a good composition. So the choice would be to either soften the leaves and even change the overall shape of that arch- maybe make it go a bit further across the top?
If you wanted to be really radical (might not work for your timeframe) I would lower the line of background trees - even to below the horse's rump- to make the figure the hero. At the moment the level of the trees is a straight line that competes with the horse's head.
All the very best with what you decide.
This is beautifully painted! the figure and horse are so convincing!
At first look the leaves seem to be competing with the figure. My guide is to always make the figure the star and every other element must support the star for a good composition. So the choice would be to either soften the leaves and even change the overall shape of that arch- maybe make it go a bit further across the top?
If you wanted to be really radical (might not work for your timeframe) I would lower the line of background trees - even to below the horse's rump- to make the figure the hero. At the moment the level of the trees is a straight line that competes with the horse's head.
All the very best with what you decide.
Excellent suggestions! Clearly you really understand composition. How would you soften the leaves? All I can think of is to dull the color? Not sure I have time to lower the tree line, but I see what you’re saying, and may give it a go. Thank you!
You could just blur the edges of the leaves- a bit of sky colour on a brush and rub gently. Maybe blur the edge of the distant tree line as well would bring the focus back to the figure and horse.
I like it the way it is. But if you're unhappy with it id follow Bethany's advice on bring the sky color in to blur the leaves. However depending on how blurred you go for you might have to do the same with some of the leaf colors in the middle of the cluster.
Lovely painting. My first thought was that it is incomplete. The background trees are okay because the viewer is somewhat low to the ground looking up. This also makes sence in seeing the leaves behind the rider's head. What could bring the foreground tree farther back a bit would be to have the horse and rider's shadow to the foreground and the tree's shadow farther back.
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Lovely painting. My first thought was that it is incomplete. The background trees are okay because the viewer is somewhat low to the ground looking up. This also makes sence in seeing the leaves behind the rider's head. What could bring the foreground tree farther back a bit would be to have the horse and rider's shadow to the foreground and the tree's shadow farther back.
View attachment 33511
Thanks- great suggestions!
I like it the way it is. But if you're unhappy with it id follow Bethany's advice on bring the sky color in to blur the leaves. However depending on how blurred you go for you might have to do the same with some of the leaf colors in the middle of the cluster.
Thank you!
You could just blur the edges of the leaves- a bit of sky colour on a brush and rub gently. Maybe blur the edge of the distant tree line as well would bring the focus back to the figure and horse.
Thank you- appreciate the advice!
I see that straight tree line as a distraction , it sort of repeats the white trail fence. I see three places that line could be broken by dragging down some sky: on the far left, right by the horses head and on the far right.
I see that straight tree line as a distraction , it sort of repeats the white trail fence. I see three places that line could be broken by dragging down some sky: on the far left, right by the horses head and on the far right.
Excellent ideas- thank you!
I think this is very well-rendered. The composition is excellent, and you have some great advice here. I do like the tree in the front with the leaves that fall from the top. ♥️
I'll suggest you get those branches away from the rider's head. This is supposed to be a portrait of a man and his horse, yes? The branches look like they're wrapped around his head. The subject is most important, not the tree.
Here's what I mean, courtesy of Photoshop...


Your friend will be looking at his image and the horse, and not much else. That really is fine painting.
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