My Twisted Dog Heart


This was an experiment. I was fooling around trying to just draw "whatever came to mind" with a light pencil on a raw wood panel. I liked it, but I hadn't sealed the panel to keep the composition. So, I burned the composition into the wood and then sealed it. Then, I actually used gouache instead of oil, just to see what that would look like. This is how it tuned out.

It's 12 x 12 inches.

Well that was a very successful experiment! The wood burned lines were a good solution to preserving the design and the finished piece is a delight. Maybe this is the beginning of a “whatever comes to mind” series?
Thank you Donna! ♥️ Maybe I will do more like this. I'm not sure. I do a lot of similar things with drawings, but never directly on the "canvas." We'll see. It's a good way to face fears I think. ;)
That is brave and a success in my opinion. I have to try something as well. I like landscapes but with the chances of getting lime disease and eaten alive by black flies I need to start painting things from my head instead of the outside world. I’m glad you posted this. It does remind me of Native art in the fact it’s more about a pleasing arrangement of color over a 3D appearance.
Yes, I really love this one! It’s both controlled and loose, or thoughtful and free….AND…there’s something equally whimsical but also serious. I guess I could also explain it as balancing a lot of “artistic” tensions, like creating on a high wire. And to my eyes, THAT/THIS seems like a success. I vote for more…
Beautiful colours and lines. Def makes me smile, just thinking about that little dog.
Ayin, it is amazing how you come up with these strange beings and contortions! Must be scary to peep into your brain.:LOL: I love it. ❤️❤️
Amazing is right! This piece would have been successful even without burning the composition into the wood, but I am loving this effect. Another completely unique and fascinating work of art. ❤️
Amazing the way your creative mind works! You seem to have a knack for putting just enough in the composition to keep the eye moving, exhibiting a variety of shapes without overwhelming. Outstanding variety of shapes also. My mind is too literal; I applaud your imagination. You seem to grasp the perfect time to finish without overworking.
WOW! These responses are blowing my mind. I didn't think this was all that. Yall make me want to put this in my show (maybe). You for sure make me want to try this again. I will say it was scary. I know it shouldn't be, but it was. It was worth it, though. The colors were slightly new for me, but not exactly new for what I've been doing with gouache.

I can't thank everyone enough for these comments. It means EVERYTHING to me. Thank you thank you thank you!!!!! ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
It's certainly show-worthy! I hope you think it can find a way in, I know it has a healing theme.

Regardless, this piece is excellent, and what's so cool is that you let yourself just play and go with it. :)