

Hi, I have to lead a workshop during the run of my exhibit. It's a three-hour deal for fifteen people of all ages, both artists and non-artists. It's being done in two parts. The first half, or the first hour of the class, involves having them write down (in words) their thoughts, conclusions, findings, and feelings when live music and sounds are played.

After a little bit of that, they draw/sketch whatever comes to mind from the keywords they just wrote.

This happens about five times. Each time, a new instrument plays or gets laid on top of the last instrument.

That's basically the first half. That is set for me.

I'm having trouble deciding on the second part of the class. I budgeted for both, and they came out to the same amounts, so it really doesn't matter which I choose. I'd love to show them both.

I can either teach them to make a collage on a nice birch wood panel. They'd pick their favorite composition from their drawings and recreate it on the panel. They will have paint, paper, and different fabrics to choose from to collage.


I can show them how to make a simple, 12-page book by hand. They would redraw a few of their drawings and use watercolors, markers, and/or colored pencils (words, too, if desired). Then, I would show them how to bind the book (sew it) with a cardstock cover.

I even tried to pick these two choices out of a hat and I'm still torn because they are both interesting. On one hand, if they like the collage, they can hang it on their wall. If they do the books, they can add to it later, carry it around, and it's more personal.

Opinions??? Help!
I would personally do the collage, due to the differing abilities of students. I think showing them how to also make a book would be too difficult along with the drawings/paintings in the time you will have to work with.
Would the non-artists be comfortable putting their drawings on a panel for all to see? I agree with Sno and Wayne that making a book might take too long and you wouldn’t want anyone to have to rush through the process. What if the participants had a choice of either making the collage from their drawings or using the words themselves instead? If they chose to do that you could encourage them to be creative with the design of the words so they would be interesting as collage elements.
Interesting what Donna brings up because I do tell them that no one will be seeing their sketches in the first part of the activity. The point of it is for them to be completely free to tap into their imagination and not feel held back by thinking it's dumb or bad or anything like that. So, when I ask them to pick their favorite of all of the drawings they did, they may be overly surprised. Giving them the option to use the words is a very good idea.

Doing the book could take up more time, ya'll are right. Someone could get caught up in the details of a single drawing, painting it, and not really want to move on to the next, let alone a few. I imagined simple compositions, but everyone is different. For the first part of the class, I'm only giving them ten minutes for each drawing. I'm doing that on purpose so they don't think too much about it.
I think Sno is right. Keep it a little simple. If you have another opportunity again, you can say it is a slightly more involved project for participants. You and I have gotten pretty fast about certain things making art. But others will be hesitant and contemplating, some are just a lot slower at stuff we now take for granted.
I like both ideas. But I think the book deserves its own treatment at a different time.
Have fun!
I decided to keep it simple—very simple. Instead of doing the book or even a separate collage on wood, I'm going to give everyone a sketchbook with thicker paper where they can do mixed media. After we do a few drawings, there will be materials to use for collaging right in the sketchbook. This way, it is something they can keep and add to later. :)

Thank you everyone for your opinions. They mean a lot to me! ♥️
And Arty your simpler idea is great to start. No doubt people will enjoy themselves and you can suggest the next more involved class for those that are more confident. They will follow you there. This first class is introductory, not just to the subject and methods but you to the kind of students you are dealing with.
Hi, I have to lead a workshop during the run of my exhibit. It's a three-hour deal for fifteen people of all ages, both artists and non-artists. It's being done in two parts. The first half, or the first hour of the class, involves having them write down (in words) their thoughts, conclusions, findings, and feelings when live music and sounds are played.

After a little bit of that, they draw/sketch whatever comes to mind from the keywords they just wrote.

This happens about five times. Each time, a new instrument plays or gets laid on top of the last instrument.

That's basically the first half. That is set for me.

I'm having trouble deciding on the second part of the class. I budgeted for both, and they came out to the same amounts, so it really doesn't matter which I choose. I'd love to show them both.

I can either teach them to make a collage on a nice birch wood panel. They'd pick their favorite composition from their drawings and recreate it on the panel. They will have paint, paper, and different fabrics to choose from to collage.


I can show them how to make a simple, 12-page book by hand. They would redraw a few of their drawings and use watercolors, markers, and/or colored pencils (words, too, if desired). Then, I would show them how to bind the book (sew it) with a cardstock cover.

I even tried to pick these two choices out of a hat and I'm still torn because they are both interesting. On one hand, if they like the collage, they can hang it on their wall. If they do the books, they can add to it later, carry it around, and it's more personal.

Opinions??? Help!
Great concepts. The book would work for me. Something a bit different ... unbelievable as it sounds I cannot collage. My skills are OK, it's the selection of elements that does me in every time.

Just had another thought. The book might be something attendees could keep easily, the collage might not be able to be hung. Thinking renters, initially.
Either way, sounds like it's going to be a blast. ❤️

Being able to sit down with the artist of an exhibit and have this kind of introspective workshop is so welcoming and unique. Love this whole idea! Can't wait to hear how it unfolds.