My Bunny "Lil' Spot"


Well-known member
I just painted this one from a personal photo. It's 8" x 10" watercolor on 140lb paper. If you see anything I should have done better please let me know. Thanks.

C/C graciously accepted


  • Lil Spot.jpg
    Lil Spot.jpg
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Cindy I do like it very much. Sometimes it is hard to tell if the image we see is very close to the original work.
With that being said, it looks dark with a lot of detail lost.
This is what it looks like as a grey scale, with a grey scale level adjustment and a level adjustment of the original. Lil Spo bwt.jpgLil Spot levels.jpgLil Spot ajust.jpg
Artyczar - Thank you!
Queen Bee - Yes, it is a bit dark. Partly caused by my overworking and partly by taking the pic in the evening. (Can't wait till morning!) I am hoping I will also learn some patience with my paintings and learn to leave it alone when done. I appreciate you showing me how to look at the darks/lights in my work. Thank you.
Triduana - Thank you for your kind words.
Hi Cindy, your bunny is very cute and pleasing to look at. I agree with queenbees comment that it could benefit from some highlights / contrast. I like the similarity in the shapes of the leaves and the ears and how you are picking up some touches of green in the stones..

Okay, I am going to try and bring back some of the highlights. If I ruin it then it will be a lesson learned. I have to learn to Walk Away and not overwork. I have a pic I took a little earlier and looking back, I should have stopped then! Maybe darken a few of the leaves, but should have left the bunny. I am learning!
Spot 1.jpg
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I don't think you ruined it at all--I think you made it better. This is such a sweet painting. You did very well and it's a winner! ♥️
I think your final bunny is a stronger painting and you have improved it. Never mind the contrast, it‘s great.
Cheers Tanja
Jo Castillo, tanjaf, Queen Bee, Artyczar and Kreative K - Thank you for your kind comments on my work. I really enjoyed working on him. When he first came into my garden he was about the size of a grapefruit and was hiding behind the wheel of my son's car. We had to coax him out so my son could go to work. He, (the bunny), loved apple slices.
"Okay, I am going to try and bring back some of the highlights. If I ruin it then it will be a lesson learned. I have to learn to Walk Away and not overwork. I have a pic I took a little earlier and looking back, I should have stopped then! Maybe darken a few of the leaves, but should have left the bunny. I am learning!"
Don't beat yourself up, we're all learning. Maybe you should have stopped "then" let it set, do other things, and come back with fresh eyes later. Maybe an hour later, maybe a week later. Sometimes a piece needs glanced at, looked at, seen, from a different angle, different light, even upside down, before we can see what bothers us, or what needs adjustment, or what is teriffic. After spending time looking in the same place for a while, sometimes it's hard to see things. Often, other people's eyes see areas that need adjustment re shape, size, color, perspective, etc, or, after doing chores or playing, WE can see what it needs.
The rocks are well done. I wonder if the nose is defined enough. Lighter leaves are often on the top as the sun hits them, with darker ones under them.
Ninety per cent of the work we do is practice for the ten per cent that soars.
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All our work is part of a learning curve! When we stop trying to improve, we might as well give up … so remember Cindy, it’s just paint and paper (or canvas etc!!!)
Your rocks are excellent, your bunny cute and typical of his species, what’s not to like? I much prefer the leaves in your second image posted …. better contrast, better capture if light.👍
This is watercolour? …. much harder than acrylics! 😂 With w/c we need to retain the white paper for lights and do it’s easy to quickly overwork a piece … with acrylics all is able to be repaired easily (as you know)!
Ntl - I really appreciate your kind words regarding my painting. Thank you for this. I think I will setup a timer for myself and after it goes off put the one I am working on away for a day. I'm sure I will eventually learn when to stop and take a break because I am sure getting my practice in!! Lol Still loving it so that's what counts.
Maureen - Never stop learning - that is my belief. I really enjoy acrylic painting but decided to try Watercolor this past Spring. I am loving it and have so much to learn. Thank you so much for your help over the past year and 1/2. You have taught me alot. 💐