snoball Certifiable Supporting Member Messages 8,708 Jun 7, 2020 #5 I love that you don't even notice the little house in the distance with the red roof until you are really looking at the macro trees. Well done!
I love that you don't even notice the little house in the distance with the red roof until you are really looking at the macro trees. Well done!
trufflecat Well-known member Messages 475 Jun 11, 2020 #7 I like this one a lot. Your use of color always amazes me. I think the photo may not quite do it justice, looks a little blurry on my screen.
I like this one a lot. Your use of color always amazes me. I think the photo may not quite do it justice, looks a little blurry on my screen. Well-known member Messages 1,504 Jun 14, 2020 #9 This looks huge on my screen (tablet) so it's out of focus, but I like the colours
snoball Certifiable Supporting Member Messages 8,708 Jun 14, 2020 #10 Lyn, if you click on the image it will open so you can see the whole image.
N Nufocus Jun 14, 2020 #11 Lyn, well yeah.... I upload from my iPhone. Pixels and whatever are not my expertise. My apologies. Thanks.
Lyn, well yeah.... I upload from my iPhone. Pixels and whatever are not my expertise. My apologies. Thanks. Well-known member Messages 1,504 Jun 15, 2020 #12 Nor mine Nufocus. Thanks Sno , I like the colours even more now I can see the whole thing