Lake in September


oil painter
"Lake", 10x16 in, oil on canvas.
Summer trip to the cabin. I waked down to the lake early in the morning with my cat to see the mist. I wanted to paint the mist because it was so mystical looking. When I finally returned with my pleinair stuff to this spot, the mist had mostly gone away. I decided to paint the view anyway.


painting with the view:

It wasn't done sight-size but it just happened to fit to the scene when I photographed it.

I think I posted this photo earlier about a month ago to one of the sub-threads here in CS but not to the main forum thread.
I love that your cat goes walking with you. This one turned out so well, Grapes, mist or not. The curvy tree trunks add interest and the reflections are wonderful!
Thanks Donna! After our walk I had to take my cat for a breakfast to the warm cabin because it's too cold for her to stay out during the painting time this time of the year .. she enjoys so much taking walks and wears always harness and long leash.
She's such a good kitty! My cats will not tolerate a harness, collar or anything similar. I always get "the look" of betrayal. Gave up long ago, but I sure envy you the ability to take them exploring like this. ❤️

Lovely painting! This looks like a serene area- perfect for plein air. :)
It IS a lovely place for a painting and you did it proud. ❤️ It looks like it just fits in where you took the photo. If you still want to add the mist, you could scumble it on, very thinly, when it is dry. :giggle:
Sno, thank you! You said it!! I could add the mist afterwards!
I didn't even think of it but of course that's the best way to add mist. Would be a good practice. And, easier when painting is dry. Although, painting mist isn't the most easy thing to do, I suppose. On the other hand, it's like scumbling.
Really nice work in a beautiful spot. Cat company and cabin add to the story. It's still a great Plein air piece with real depth.
Murray, thank you!
When I started to paint this view, it looked so grey and lousy that I thought it simply can't be painted. But it was the only view available that morning. Somehow the greys I mixed worked ok and this is probably the first painting of this type of view that I will keep. Earlier efforts are all wiped out or something. If I had had the mist present when started painting it probably would have turned out a complete disaster b/c I imagine fog is though to paint, I don't know. Need to try once to know.
Grapes, it's a keeper. It will remind you of the passages that you wanted to try to achieve something different. BUT , it is a really nice painting! We are our own hardest critic. I understand the mist, I see it outside Stockholm on the lake etc. The north has a different light, often sharp, without the haze of mediterranean. But the mists are surreal.
I read somewhere that nature is all about the different greys... I agree, the thing I miss with pastels is to get the grey I want, blending and pointalism goes only so far.
I look forward to your next one as the light and season changes.....
Great job and wall-worthy! And I like the photo of it at the scene and seeing the easel and paints.
Murray, thanks! Light sure is different to the Mediterranean. I'm so used to seeing thick mist here that I don't even realize it anymore. In Sweden it must be similar as we're not that far apart. I'd still prefer Mediterranean light and am working hard to make that happen, maybe by making a move. Everything is open still as we can't decide. Near future will tell.
Will be posting next paintings and hope to see your paintings as well! 👍 🎨 🖌️