Mondays beach sketches


Well-known member
Hi Folks, I cannot call this plein air even though it was done onsite as these are sketches not finished art pieces. Each about 6x3 inches on A4 Kraft Notbook.
The bottom 2 are in portrate "mode" :)
Hi Yes, pastels, very limited set. I had two 4stick pastel plastic containers with some half bits and the last one was pen, coloured with pastel. I was trying to record some parts of the scene and sea for a drawing I will start soon.
Great snapshots on the scene, all 3! I am curious to see the painting that you want to do. For me the challenge is always to bring the vitality of the sketch (= first impression) over into the finished painting. Good luck with that, Murrayg!
Good atmosphere at the upper one. Four sticks of pastels isn't easy work.
Glad to know that I am not the only one who does so many works that I completely forget some of them. 😁 ;)
These are great, Murray! It's nice to see sketch versions of the locations I've seen in your paintings. Aren't pastels much easier to do on toned paper? I struggle with white paper so much.
These are great, Murray! It's nice to see sketch versions of the locations I've seen in your paintings. Aren't pastels much easier to do on toned paper? I struggle with white paper so much.
Thanks for the comments. For sketcking I use either ktaft paper pad or a white canson sketck pad. Yes white is harder for pastels, but nice for pen.
Lovely set of sketches. I like the toned paper. The top one has a really nice composition.
These are great. Plein air is plein air, never knew of a rule to be finished! Some finish in studio. I like your limited palette. Don't forget to show us your painting.
I think plein air is all about practicing, studying, experiencing, experimenting, and learning. So you got that down! Nice sketches!