Mind, Spirit, and Other Scapes


Contributing Member
For the last bunch of years or so, I've been learning to paint, even learning a bit about drawing. I've done that mostly by copying photographs at first, then paintings. I did do a few set-up still lifes, and did a few sessions of life drawing, sure wish I could have done a lot more. I never felt "creative" and am still not sure I do, partly because I don't know if I have the skills yet.
I will draw on memories of dream images and visions and personal experiences. I have NO to FEW ideas of how to portray them. So in my "creativity" I will probably call on YOUR ideas and expertise at times.
I also hope to draw/paint from life some of the "surplus" "models" in my studio before donating them to recycle!
Well here is one I titled Nightmare. Don't know if that will give you any ideas or not.
Because members of my art club often accused me of doing too much "copying", I decided to do a painting or two from pure imagination. So This is one that I painted just to determine whether I was capable of doing so:

"Aitch Aitch Sea"....16" x 20" oil on RayMar Canvas Panel

I was inspired by an artist whose work I once did a color separation for, when I worked in the lithographic trade. As I recall, his name was Robert Watkins, and he had done the art for the dust cover for the book, "The Martian Chronicles". And, yes, I DID have that piece of art in my hands at one time. This is a link to that cover piece:

I surely did not "copy" his work, but I WAS inspired by it. He had done a lot of palette knife work on his piece, whereas I used a brush primarily.
Wow, this is so different for you. It's very cool.

I love Ray Bradbury. It doesn't look like you copied Watson at all, not even the style. It's your own for sure.