Mike and Mal


Well-known member
Oil paint on thin plywwod (1992). 1170 x 940mm.
An experiment in rich colours.
Some liked it, but I eventually did not. It got too rich as I got older.
So I cut it up into small rectangular pieces for paint test srtips.

Well done but I have to agree. Age does tend to shift our view to slower coloring. I once worked at a place that used vivid colours as they wanted to keep things moving. Strange but true.
hmmmm.... I disagree *your* changing colour vision somehow makes this *bad art*; it's a solid work, with strong horizontals in the quirky clouds, an Over the Hills and Far Away middle and the two figures walking along the road to new adventure. There's good colour harmonies, and terrific repetition of shapes.

So, your work- you get to do as you please with it. Just know that I, who dislikes high chromas, can like this very much because of the control you used making it. It may be "rich", but so is Creme Brulee- although it is best for breakfast....
hmmmm.... I disagree *your* changing colour vision somehow makes this *bad art*;
... Hausamann never said it was bad art: just it no longer peeked his liking. Big difference. Anyone can not like good art as good art has nothing to do with the equasion. When I was small I hated brussle sprouts and now I love them. They have not changed, just my likes and dislikes has changed. I agree, the piece was good and while for some it's gold, to others it's dust.
I love it! Especially the yellow tinged clouds and the pink on the horizon. It is interesting how we all see things differently.

i do excatly the same as you with paintings I don't like though, cut them up and put them to good use.
I get like that too and sometimes will paint over things to change them quite a bit, but this is/was a good one in my opinion. It has its charm and I can see all the talent here. It's visionary. ♥️