Lonesome Spruce


Lonesome Spruce.jpg

8x5 watercolor and Brusho wc crystals on Winsor Newton Cotman 140 lb cold press paper painted yesterday, an imaginary tree to get the holidays going.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
I like your uninhibited painting style, Kay. Your spruce may be lonesome but it’s so colorful and beautifully painted. I’m not familiar with Brusho crystals. Are they something that is dropped into wet paint?
Brusho is watercolor ink crystals made by Colourcraft in the UK. You can sprinkle them into a wet area or sprinkle first then spritz with water. Dick Blick sells them. Also a man named Ward Jene Stroud is one to look up to see all his amazing work; I believe he is in Oregon.
Lovely and loose Kay. How do you like the Brusho? I've seen it demonstrated a few times and it looks quite fun to experiment with .
Nice! I always like your Brusho effects.
I made a sort of Brusho type stuff by using water-soluble glue mixed with India ink recently. I let it dry on a broken ceramic spoon dish and then scraped that off with a knife. It worked fairly well and I'll probably tinker with the idea some more.
I love this Kay, so free and lovely. Colors work so well together also. ❤️❤️❤️
I love the unbridled look of this! It's the kind of watercolor painting I love! Great job! ♥️