Letters I've kept...

In 1991, I wrote a letter to Frank Zappa saying I was concerned that, all his tapes could 'end up in the dirt' if LA was to have a major earthquake.
I got this in reply not long after. Hand written address, maybe even by Gail Zappa herself? Anyway, it is a list of scores and albums available to buy, which...is quite a clever response to be fair.

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Update on this...two days ago, purely randomly, I emailed the Dweezil Zappa website asking if Dweezil recognises the handwriting as his mom's.
I received a reply minutes later...
How lucky is that? My email, seen by Dweezil and a genuine reply...crazy.
Ruling Gail out...I have compared Frank's known handwriting to that on my addressed envelope and....It is his handwriting...! It really is. Then I emailed Megan, saying that it looks like Franks own handwriting and her reply back said...'it's a slim chance....' not 'it isn't'. Crazy.