Left Over Paint On After A Session (Painting)



When finished there is a lot of mess on my palette. The mess is left over mixtures from mixes through out and some of my piles of your original palette have a little contamination around the edges. Wish I had take a picture before I scraped but life is. Anyway, I scrape all the mixed paint into a pile and I take the contamination pieces away from my original colors and add them to the new blob of color.
One word of caution: if you use Pthalo BLue keep it to itself as it can contaminate anything. So, except for the Pthalo Blue I mix all those scrapes into one color. I obtain a real nice grey or mud or what have you for my next time up. This one gave a real nice version of Raw Umber as it has a unique green shade. If my next painting doesn't want a green I can easily change the shade. I then put my left overs in the freezer till tomorrow.

Just a thought. Saves a lot of paint over a year if you paint every day.

Great idea, Wayne! Thanks for sharing :)

Your palette looks like colorful creatures swimming upstream.
Thanks for this, Wayne. I like your idea of making grey out of the leftovers. It would be nice to have that color for new paintings or save it in the freezer for future use.