last things and other things.

I wish I had helpful words for you Joe. I just wish you wouldn't feel ashamed or have regrets, but I also know it's normal to feel these feelings. I feel these things too and often get stuck in time about them, but I also know I have to move through life because I can't change the past. I can only try to make a better future. We can only do the best we can, and that is always good enough, and most of the time, it's great. ♥️
Donna T, thank you very much for the beautiful words about my drawings, glad you like them. Thank you very much for your understanding and kind, encouraging words.Ayin, thank you so much for your kind words and positive example.
This last group of drawings are great, Joe. You have a good command of digital. I can't sketch that well in digital at all. Keep up the good work. ❤️
2024-06-21 12-00 7-protected-intensity-DEFAULT-V2.jpeg
hi. daws from 1 june al 23/06
If you're interested, I tried to use

program against AIs who use everything we publish without consent
, my video card however is 1650 gt which is the card that has a bug, so I don't know if it worked, I decided to try anyway. my computer takes a little time but with most it should be fast, also There is a web application that can be done even without programs.

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