Laminated Flat-packed Flowers


2 eyes.
I ordered these and look at the quality! "Fine Art Flowers," my arse!

AF (Blue).png

AF (dark blue).png

AF (pink).png

AF (Green).png
I have opened the Pandora's box of flatpacked furniture (I should finish the sentence there) and found the parts unlabeled, the ones that were there,, that is 😁

Thanks Art!
I initially tried the flowers within eclectic hectic backgrounds, but opted for simplicity.


This was the original "Digital Flower."

The Last Flower is digital .jpg
I have to expose my ignorance: What are these and how are you supposed to use them? (thank you for your patience :))
Thanks Art. Judging by others of these, one could believe I was on something transfiguring, for lack of another word.

I have to expose my ignorance: What are these and how are you supposed to use them? (thank you for your patience :))

Thanks for the interest, ZD! The question is understandable. Forgive me for the confusion. These are digital photo images.