Country and City


old man


Both are 11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Aug 27/28 of 2024
..I'm feeling less gratified on these so I will go back to flowers today for a rest and a renewal of thought. I find the subject keeps getting darker and I'm sure I don't want to transverse the darker side of things ..
A different look for sure which isn’t all that surprising to me with abstracts. I see an autumn forest in the first one. Maybe you got the dark stuff out and the next one will be lighter.
Thank you Ayin. Nothing wrong with your opinions. I looked at these and to me they aren’t bad art. Not great art, but not bad. Maybe I’m just getting lazy. I did a floral this morning and though it is pretty to look at, it still is only a piece of art and doesn’t pose as many questions as the abstracts pose. Being who I am, I can’t quit mid-stream so I’ll use the flowers as intended; a lay me down easy piece and rested we’ll see where we go.

Thanks Donna. Yes, perhaps there is a silver lining and I’m looking at the wrong side of the cover.
The first I see two females picking berries and the second I see a young innocent being deceptively introduced to life in the fast lane. I have no answer to the question of where does my mind go.
I can't remember who said that good abstract art should pose questions instead of giving answers. I agree with that. I don't think it should give any obvious answers, anyway. I think you're on the right track. As long as you listen to your inner gut and kick the doubt to the curb, it will all just get stronger.

Are there abstract artists out there that you especially admire?
Actually no, there are none that come to mind. I like a few abstracts but they are few and far between. I wanted to figure it out and form conclusions based on experience and not other people’s ideas on the subject. So far I am finding my interest is losing the battle. I don’t like the process of starting and ending with nothing except random luck. It’s like a gamble and gambles very seldom pay.
I firmly believe that post Impressionism is the door I need to go through. I’ll have time to think next week as I have trouble sleeping in other than my bed. 😁
Keep it up, Wayne, but don't forget your beautiful flowers either. We all love watching you experiment with what's in your head and what pops in there. :giggle: ❤️
Thank you Sno. You do have a way with heart felt words. It’s not all or nothing. I must remember to remind myself of that.