King fisher in watercolor


Supporting Member
Thanks for taking a look! This is about 7 x 10, on Arches 140CP. Ideally, I would like to be more loose and expressive. Those lovely YouTube videos where the artist is just confidently splashing color about are so appealing.

I haven't done a lot of art lately or commented on much on the forums, as we recently went on holiday (first since COVID, where we ended up "stuck" on a cruise ship March of 2020). So I spent (too) much time planning, preparing etc. for the trip.

Joy, this is gorgeous! The bird stands out so well from your loose background. I like how you didn't feel obligated to paint all of the fine feathers of his chest; your soft, loose color washes say it all. I watch some of those You Tube videos too and marvel at how many washes the artists apply. If I get two washes down without making mud I think I'm doing so well.
Beautiful colours, Joy. Very well done. I have seen kingfishers speeding along the canal surface and under bridges, they have a whistling call. The lichened tree branch is lovely, too.
This is beautiful Joy. You've captured the vivid colours so well and I really like the background!
Thanks, all. I have not seen a kingfisher in person. I just wanted to get the background in quiclky and simply,as I have a tendency to overwork.
Joy, this is so amazing! I love the intricate detail in the feathers and the masterful handling of textures in the branch. One of my favorite parts of this is that very soft echo of blues and oranges in the delicate background. This is wonderful!
Federico - Thanks - it is great to see you back on the forum commenting.