June 14, 1998 6:20 AM


Well-known member
A main thorofare runs alongside and above a strip of buildings including LA Fitness - with its unusual roof structure. No parking on the main road, only down below - so it was a bit of an uphill hike to get from where I parked to the spot I set up.


And as soon as I did it started to drizzle - nothing major, but enough that it could spoil a painting. So I packed up and headed back down to the car where I sat hoping it would clear -- and it did. SO back up the hill I went, only for it to start drizzling AGAIN. So back I went, this time packed everything up and went for a fish taco. That afternoon the clouds had passed, the sun was out, so I gave it a third go.

The sketch

Only people passing by were a couple towing 4 shopping carts full of junk they had gathered around the neighborhood. Very pleasant and graciously maneuvered around my easel. One other person, a Somalian(I assume) dapperly dressed with jewelry on every appendage but done with good taste. Although my painting was in the early stages, he was a bit consumed by it. Had an extended conversation of which I didn't understand a word. We bumped fists and he departed with good spirits.

the block in

June 14, 1998 6:20 AM -- oil on 18"x14" panel. Painted what I imagined.

June 14, 1998 6.20 AM.jpg

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Isn't it always the case that those flying saucers come around when few people are out and about.

LOVE this one! Love your little cars and the sky. ♥️
You have the best adventures when you go out to paint and your persistence paid off here. The UFO is a great surprise in the sky! I hope the occupants aren't looking for plein air painters to take home as souvenirs.
Isn't it always the case that those flying saucers come around when few people are out and about.

LOVE this one! Love your little cars and the sky. ♥️
Thank you. And also it's so considerate of the UFOs to leave their running lights on at night. We'd never know they were up there if they didn't leave lights on.

Jo, CaliAnn - always look forward to your gracious comments. Cali- I wish I didn't have to depict UFOs as saucer-shaped. Even though there are now reports of "tic-tac" shaped objects - you can't put a tic-tac in a painting and expect people to see it as a UFO.

Donna - whenever I see those roof designs like on LA Fitness, the Space Needle, water towers, it's almost as if they're baiting UFO's to come check it out.