Is this another scam?


Well-known member
I'm getting Facebook messages from a guy whose profile lists him as "Art Dave." Claims to like my work and wants to paint a copy for a client of his. He says he's getting $2,000 and the client would send me (or he would - unclear on that part) $500.

Does this sound like a scam to you? Has anyone else received this particular offer or heard from this guy?
Get the $500 up front before you say yes or no. Don't worry, you'll never see the $500 regardless of what you say. If you say yes, you have no idea what they'll do with the copies of your painting, but you gave them permission.
Hi Bart, a scam. There are several warnings for similar offers on Instagram and Facebook, often with a Dave.
I just told this guy no. When they start saying that a third party is going to send a check, that's when I get suspicious of the scam. Pretty soon they'll ask for money up front to cash the check. Classic Nigerian scam. What's the old line about too good to be true? Thanks folks.
Hi Bart, just so you don't feel picked on.... I recently revived my Instagram and today was offered a NFT opportunity in a very roundabout way. Interesting but some tricky folk about....
Hi Bart, just so you don't feel picked on.... I recently revived my Instagram and today was offered a NFT opportunity in a very roundabout way. Interesting but some tricky folk about....
Picked, but not picked on! LOL I'm glad I asked and was suspicious, believe me. This kind of crap needs to be stopped, but there seems to be no one to do that for us in the wild west of the web.
I've been "picked on" by all kinds of scammers over the years, both the typical scams and the not-so-typical ones. It's come to feel obvious when someone is serious. When someone real really wants to buy your work, they make themselves known and will do what you ask them to (payment type, amounts, identity, etc. ). It's not too difficult. They make it easy for you, and they are usually very polite--payment up front, real address, your shipper, etc.
Yes, I hear you, Ayin. This one kept ringing the alert bell, but I did want to see how far I could go. When he/she (I say that because one time it was Art Dave, then another time Art Cindy, who claimed both names) finally gave me an address, I went online and found it was a real address a few towns away. However, still suspicious, I checked the assessor rolls, which didn't give an owner's name, but a realtor friend was able to check it out. No name even remotely connected to the two Arts, which was no surprise.

When I followed Zen's suggestion and asked for cash up front, got the "my friend will send you a check." That's when I figured it was time to stop playing the game and told him/her that I was granting ZERO use of my image under any circumstances.

Reality is, once posted online anybody with any skill could have copied it, which was why the scam sounded legit at first, because why ask permission if not serious. But that proved to be just a clever come on.

Ayin, I gave your last post a sad emoji only because I feel this situation to be a sad state of affairs.

Con artists prey best on those with any degree of wishful thinking, and that pretty much includes most of us humans. Not sure about AI yet on that account....
I just told this guy no. When they start saying that a third party is going to send a check, that's when I get suspicious of the scam. Pretty soon they'll ask for money up front to cash the check. Classic Nigerian scam. What's the old line about too good to be true? Thanks folks.
The involvement of a "third party" is a sure sign that it's a scam. Don't fall for it. In one scam that was tried on me, the third party who was to pay me was the truck driver.
Thanks everyone, but note that this post is almost 2 months old. I have no idea why it's getting any of your attention now. The mystery of the web.....
Thanks everyone, but note that this post is almost 2 months old. I have no idea why it's getting any of your attention now. The mystery of the web.....
Not everyone is on the web every day. That's the only thing I can figure. Not such a big mystery, really. ;)