Inktense Portrait female


Well-known member
My latest Inktense pencil portrait (another family member). I really do find younger women difficult. This one has turned out OK as a painting (compared with some of my others!) but it's not a good likeness. Inktense pencil and block on cold pressed watercolour paper, A4 size. I'd appreciate honest comments and suggestions / advice.

Priscila inktense 1 finished369 (632 x 935).jpg
This is excellent in my opinion. Gosh, I wouldn't have very good advice on this since I think it's stellar as it sits. All the light/highlights are really good. Even the hair, which is hard. You did a wonderful job and there's a lot of character captured in the face and eyes, as a very nice person sits before me. I can tell. :)
Only you would know about the likeness, and usually the artist tends to be hyper critical of his/her work. I think that it is a lovely portrait.
Wow. That is nice. I don't stretch to realistic things in the camera sense so it's hard to judge but to me the pupils could be rounder. Seems they are straight on the viewer right sides.
I think this is excellent too, exact likeness or not! The way you lost the edges of the hair at her forehead is really skillful. A hard line there would have ruined the illusion.
No suggestions here. I find portraits very difficult....everything has to be just right.
You did a wonderful job!
Thank you so much for your comments. I don't have any arty friends to discuss with in my 'real life' circle, so the feedback here is quite valuable to me (and encouraging).

Wayne, I agree, the pupils aren't quite right, are they? I was pleased with it overall though, so I didn't want to risk ruining it by fiddling any more! (I've done that so many times!)
The portrait looks good to me.
Just an idea from me, the younger a person is the smoother the transitions should be and at least I tend to choose warmer colors in the shadows, because the skin is thinner, which means the red blood underneath shines through. That is especially the case with children.
And I think warm colors and smooth transitions helps to get the impression of being young.
The portrait looks good to me.
Just an idea from me, the younger a person is the smoother the transitions should be and at least I tend to choose warmer colors in the shadows, because the skin is thinner, which means the red blood underneath shines through. That is especially the case with children.
And I think warm colors and smooth transitions helps to get the impression of being young.
Thanks Esther. Great advice, it's so helpful for me to discuss these things. I find it difficult to find a balance. I don't like a very smooth effect (I want brush marks to show, that's the style I like) but you are right, it doesn't work well for smooth-skinned people. I think the balance is OK with this one (this lady is over 40, so I guess not really young) but maybe I will have to paint more smoothly sometimes, depending on the person (definitely for children).

I paint these portraits using just 1 colour, so I can't achieve any warm or cool tones. When I started portraits, colour just seemed too difficult, so I decided to just focus on light/shade. But now maybe it's time for me to try painting in colours. It's the next step, but it still seems very difficult - I don't know where to start!

Claudia, to me this is exquisite! I find faces hard to do. Her personality appears to shine through her eyes.
Thanks Kay, I always appreciate your feedback. Faces are indeed so hard - I don't even attempt to draw the outline freehand. I'm very reliant on tracing to get the eyes/nostrils/mouth in place, and it's still really difficult, even in just 1 colour!
I think it's beautifully done. Faces are difficult for me too, but I still give it a try every so often.

The single tone you used here, which looks like a dark brown on my screen, works well for a portrait.
I think it's beautifully done. Faces are difficult for me too, but I still give it a try every so often.

The single tone you used here, which looks like a dark brown on my screen, works well for a portrait.
Thanks ams, much appreciated. The colour (called 'bark') seems to be unique to Inktense, I've never seen another paint or pencil which is similar, and my scanner/printer is completely confused by it! It's got a lot of brown but also a definite hint of aubergine (egg plant).
Really fine drawing! Great range of value and edges, proportions are spot on, turn of the head is nailed, expression captured wonderfully. Having trouble saying enough. ❤️❤️
This is lovely and I am impressed. I do think there is a slight difference in the size of the pupils, but your proportion overall is excellent. The shading is superb and I’m taking notes for my own work, so thanks!