I don't know where I'm going


Well-known member
Hi folks, I'm not sure if this is the place to discuss it, but hey!
My daily exercises are "exercising the demons" as it were. It's brilliant on shaking up things, but I am kinda wondering about "personal style" or is there, or should there be, such a thing. John Russell (Aussie) once wrote to Tom Roberts that the impressionists were stuck in style.....
So, as I try things, I find I'm exploring polar opposites in technique and "style".
Fun, but it feels like an existential mindf**k.
Theses examples show what I mean... Kinda like from the sublime to ridiculous. Latest at the top, earlier lower down.
Thoughts PLEASE.





It’s been a while since you posted this, Murray, and I hope you’re feeling a little better about your style by now. How will we know what does or doesn’t feel like us until we try it? Some of my abstract experiments were laughable but I’m glad I did them! Someone told me I needed to push my colors once, as if my quiet, tonal pieces were boring to the whole world. It turns out that my colors do not like to be pushed because they don’t feel authentic to me. Just keep doing what feels best to you.
I’m by no means an experienced artist. But I too have had those thoughts. I think, we are a bit too worried about finding a ”look” or style. Now I have come to the conclusion that it’s better to find a way to work which we find enjoyable. Materials. Tight or loose. Expressive vs more refined brush strokes etc. And I believe when we truly enjoy the process the results will automatically be ours. Not always good of course.
I agree with Donna. I paint what appeals to me and I think that it is like my signature because it is my hand on the brush. I focus on improving my skill and not trying to look like a style. I will always paint what I love- no point otherwise!
I like them all and obviously you’re very versatile. I think it’s really good that you’re shaking things up and trying things. First of all, it’s interesting and it can be a help to creating your style/understanding, different techniques. You are growing!
Hi Bethany, Rikard, Paintboss, Donna.
Thanks for the inputs. You are all right, I'm not necessarily trying to create a style, which I think has many personal factors layered into any work. More about, what method helps me paint and appear "readable" at least for me. I started a lifetime ago with pen line drawing, still do some. But a mentor gave me some big oil bars to try and stretch me.... It worked. Now, I see different approaches to certain subjects pull me in a certain direction... Interesting.
I think I get what you are saying. I do struggle with some subjects. My loose and direct approach just fails miserably. But I don't think it's the fault of the method. I simply need to learn to see differently. Portraits and the figure I can do. I'm getting there with snow and vegetation. Rocks and the sea is still very much under construction. The struggle has to continue for us all I think. Otherwise there will be no joy or progress/change.