Hi, about 2 months ago, then I bought ipad and apple pencil for digital drawing also because the computer broke video card and for drawing and other uses now it is no longer good, ipad intrigued me also to be able to see where I draw, it does not change my habits of when i use paper so i think it is easier to toggle analog drawing with ipad, lately i am trying to use this and try to learn it a little bit.
I think it is convenient, also I did not have much space to store the drawings in the sheets so I often threw them in the paper bin. This is one thing about digital that I like, so I'd like to learn it, along with all the brushes in one place. I hope I haven't damaged ipad.
, I wanted to ask you for advice, by myself I do not understand if the tip of the apple pencil is worn, I do not understand when they need to be changed, I do not remember how it was at the beginning, moreover I am afraid of having damaged the film or the iPad. the film and the tip must be changed.
I don't know if I need to buy the new tip to replace it,
, and if the film needs to be replaced, I keep this one, I just don't know how to put it, there is a lot of dust in my house, I put that of the mobile phone in my place but it was easier, this is bigger and thinner (I hope it protects from scratches anyway and that the dust inside was not a screen.)
I didn't know how to put the film, in a shop when I took apple pencil they kindly installed it, they have tempered glass these opaque ones are more suitable for drawing on the internet and rightly so, on the screen, without films it is difficult for me to move the pencil for the drawing, the part with the space for the camera had been put on the opposite side, then to turn it had entered 10 grains of dust, apart from that until 5 days ago it seemed clean apart from an initial scratch I think on the film . Those of the photos by pressing almost all come out, but now they form as soon as I pass, I think because I have ruined the film but I do not know if it is worn tip.
they sell a package with spare parts that I think I have to mention, also I wonder if I'm wrong to use it, if I can use it without doing damage if I can't change both or one of the 2 things soon.
Initially I tried protective silicone tips but I could not use them to draw, and they come off, for a month I used them to use ipad when I was not drawing, I remember that I felt friction only if other grains of dust fell, but I do not remember these signs up to 3 days ago, but I'm not sure right now
, the apple pencil especially with the film is more comfortable to touch and to the pen, perhaps also out of habit, even with the phone I used films, without being afraid of scratching it, it makes you feel calmer even if not being made of tempered glass I don't know the actual type of protection, I hope it protects, plus it was easy for me to clean the film at first. Especially using one of the microfiba cloths that I have, 2 actually were useful to me, one easily hunts dust, the other chased fingerprints, maybe I pressed a little but they come out quickly, 5 days ago I had washed and hung these cloths and also a glove in cotton that I was using, for a couple of days even without a glove and cloths I was fine, one day my hand was sweaty and from the desk lamp I use to see the paper or the iPad when I draw, many grains come out on the ipad,
this is the film, https://www.amazon.it/gp/product/B07RX3JBTD/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1
before easily, before I noticed only about ten grains of dust that are under the film,
, but using it I didn't notice these scratches or friction, actual resistance,
when I didn't have my clothes, I foolishly wanted to clean the lamp with compressed air,
after doing it without thinking i used compressed air for 3 sprays on the screen, i am afraid of having ruined, i hope only the film and not ipad.
I read after use that it should not be used on an iPad, actually before that day I had only used dry cloths for fear of doing damage and that was enough.
Moisture can damage and also substances remove the ability of fingerprints, I thought I had not used the glove, I had forgotten about the spray, in fact, without gloves I often used it to navigate in the iPad and I did not remember streaks or many fingerprints.
I think it is convenient, also I did not have much space to store the drawings in the sheets so I often threw them in the paper bin. This is one thing about digital that I like, so I'd like to learn it, along with all the brushes in one place. I hope I haven't damaged ipad.
, I wanted to ask you for advice, by myself I do not understand if the tip of the apple pencil is worn, I do not understand when they need to be changed, I do not remember how it was at the beginning, moreover I am afraid of having damaged the film or the iPad. the film and the tip must be changed.
I don't know if I need to buy the new tip to replace it,
, and if the film needs to be replaced, I keep this one, I just don't know how to put it, there is a lot of dust in my house, I put that of the mobile phone in my place but it was easier, this is bigger and thinner (I hope it protects from scratches anyway and that the dust inside was not a screen.)
I didn't know how to put the film, in a shop when I took apple pencil they kindly installed it, they have tempered glass these opaque ones are more suitable for drawing on the internet and rightly so, on the screen, without films it is difficult for me to move the pencil for the drawing, the part with the space for the camera had been put on the opposite side, then to turn it had entered 10 grains of dust, apart from that until 5 days ago it seemed clean apart from an initial scratch I think on the film . Those of the photos by pressing almost all come out, but now they form as soon as I pass, I think because I have ruined the film but I do not know if it is worn tip.
they sell a package with spare parts that I think I have to mention, also I wonder if I'm wrong to use it, if I can use it without doing damage if I can't change both or one of the 2 things soon.
Initially I tried protective silicone tips but I could not use them to draw, and they come off, for a month I used them to use ipad when I was not drawing, I remember that I felt friction only if other grains of dust fell, but I do not remember these signs up to 3 days ago, but I'm not sure right now
, the apple pencil especially with the film is more comfortable to touch and to the pen, perhaps also out of habit, even with the phone I used films, without being afraid of scratching it, it makes you feel calmer even if not being made of tempered glass I don't know the actual type of protection, I hope it protects, plus it was easy for me to clean the film at first. Especially using one of the microfiba cloths that I have, 2 actually were useful to me, one easily hunts dust, the other chased fingerprints, maybe I pressed a little but they come out quickly, 5 days ago I had washed and hung these cloths and also a glove in cotton that I was using, for a couple of days even without a glove and cloths I was fine, one day my hand was sweaty and from the desk lamp I use to see the paper or the iPad when I draw, many grains come out on the ipad,
this is the film, https://www.amazon.it/gp/product/B07RX3JBTD/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1
before easily, before I noticed only about ten grains of dust that are under the film,
, but using it I didn't notice these scratches or friction, actual resistance,
when I didn't have my clothes, I foolishly wanted to clean the lamp with compressed air,
after doing it without thinking i used compressed air for 3 sprays on the screen, i am afraid of having ruined, i hope only the film and not ipad.
I read after use that it should not be used on an iPad, actually before that day I had only used dry cloths for fear of doing damage and that was enough.
Moisture can damage and also substances remove the ability of fingerprints, I thought I had not used the glove, I had forgotten about the spray, in fact, without gloves I often used it to navigate in the iPad and I did not remember streaks or many fingerprints.