Heard the Bell, saw the Raven, felt the Shaken fall ...



looked up to see the light flicker; a band of dreams ..
1000 words: a picture scene: ...
11 x14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. knife .. painted Jan10/22
The color makes this one appear a little brighter than the first but will make a nice addition to the series. Superb. ❤️❤️
Thank you Sno and Jo ..
a little more of FUB and Burnt Sienna duet in this one ..
This one does seem to have flickering light! I'm loving the color transitions and the feeling of looking out into the light.
Unsettling. Judgment? Penitence? Prayer? Or maybe a wizard in contemplation, thinking wizardly thoughts?
The warm light seems to intrude on or compete with harsh cold light. That's interesting.
I like the diagonal structure and your warm and cools always work well together.
Each of these have brought to my mind the destruction of Notre Dame.
Funny you should say that. This one in particular remained neutral of church vestments and imminent destructuion. The vpcolors I think. These last bunch are what I call subconscious paintings as they developed before my eyes and are usually far removed from the point of origin. I have not found anyone who paints like this so I have no footpath. I just follow my mind.
Thank you Ayin .. seems I say that a lot, but thank you. It's good to have a place where people take the time to comment. It's
nice hearing their views.