Happy Trails


Loitering Member
Oil pastels, touches of black Conte pencil and Polychromos pencils (tail lights).
Love the Bug!! ❤️

What OP's do you use, Lamar? I feel like I should know that but I don't. Your greens are very vivid here.
Love your oil pastel texture, and great job with the drawing of the Bug - very nice work with the highlights.
Thanks Terri, Queen Bee, Jo, Wayne, Triss, Arty, and Donna for the encouraging words!
Love the Bug!! ❤️

What OP's do you use, Lamar? ...Your greens are very vivid here.
I used Cray-pas Specialists, Terri. I did a little GIMPcraft on the lousy pic, so it's possible that I inadvertently saturated those greens a bit. (The pic was washed-out, so I duplicated the single layer and drained most of the density from the new layer before I merged them.)
What is the size?
It's roughly 10"x10,"Artyczar. Strathmore used to make that wonderfully odd Aquarius II paper in a big wirebound notebook-type format, in which I drew/painted the VW from a photo. (one of these days, I'll make a smaller book of that paper from sheets. Gotta learn a little binding for that, though.)