Greyhound in Graphitint water soluble pencils


Supporting Member
This is in Graphitint watercolor pencils and some watercolor on top, as the pencils did not seem to get dark enough values, or maybe I just need more practice with them. The drawing took maybe 15 minutes, then I fiddled for what seemed like hours on and off with applying pencil, and then water to activate the pencils. It is on Arches 140 rough, 7 x 8.

Beautifully done Joy! Don't you see how good you are??? This is excellent and adorable--both! ♥️
Gorgeous, I love the subtle colouring and the expression. that you have captured. I know what you mean about the graphitint pencils, I've only used them a few times and have not yet produced anything I am happy with - your combination of pencil and watercolour works really well.
This is beautifully done, Joy! You worked this just right between the pencils and washes. The blending is just masterful!

Great job!
Thank you , Sue and Terri. I find they are very labor intensive and it has given me a new "appreciation" for watercolor. CP artists have the patience of Job!
I like the shading and expression, but am in awe of how you translated that thin skin on the neck area!
Scamall - Thank you! The neck and shoulder areas were a bit eerie in the reference photo, as they looked human.

Donna - How kind of you to say! When I was learning, I stayed from away from painting animals for years due to their reputation of being difficult. But if I don't practice what I enjoy, I will never learn.
Those eyes really draw in the viewer, Joy, well done. I find dog heads very difficult to paint and make them look natural so bravo to you!