Rabbit in Derwent Graphitint


Supporting Member
Well, I also tried (emphasis on tried) the rabbit. I have two that are on my patio daily, and seem to have no fear of me. This is Graphitint on Canson XL watercolor journal, 140CP, 7 x 9. The values don’t really get dark enough so I kept going over it, which was not good for that paper. It looks too cutesy – like a greeting card to me.

What a happy, plump bunny you gave us!. Nicely done on the shading and whiskers.
I like it. (I sort of like "cutesy" sometimes.)

I haven't worked with Graphitint but I have found in working with water soluable pencils that it can be challenging to get smooth, intense color. When I added water, it washed away the color instead of adding it. What ended up working best for me was to scribble with the pencil on a rough surface or paper and then use it like regular watercolor, using a slightly damp brush. I found a waterbrush gave me too much water so I use a regular w/c brush.
I like the rabbit a lot, nice gesture and colors. Can't comment on the Graphitint. Know nothing!
Thanks for the FB and suggestions!
Anne, I do have a Caran d'Ache palette which I use occasionally. It was only $8 and there is no waste. If one scribbles the pencil on paper to to transfer, there is a lot of wasted pigment remaining on the paper "palette". Other than making detail lines in watercolor paintings, I don't really see the advantage of wc pencils over paints.
Cute bunny! I don't blame you for wanting to try a portrait of your cute little visitors. Sounds so sweet! We have visiting Mallards that show little fear and they do feel like part of the family after awhile, don't they? :)

I love the colors you used here - great job! I can't speak to the difficulties with Graphitint - looks like it blended very nicely overall. Do you think you might tackle this again, maybe with a paper better suited for the Graphitint?
Thanks for the FB and suggestions!
Anne, I do have a Caran d'Ache palette which I use occasionally. It was only $8 and there is no waste. If one scribbles the pencil on paper to to transfer, there is a lot of wasted pigment remaining on the paper "palette". Other than making detail lines in watercolor paintings, I don't really see the advantage of wc pencils over paints.

The only advantage I have found with Inktense over watercolor is that they don't lift as easily which enables me to put on more layers so I can get more saturated color. The XL Mixed Media paper lifts more easily than Arches w/c paper but I like the way the XL takes the ink which is a large part of my paintings.

I agree with the problem of a lot of waste when scribbling on paper. That's why I got the Caran d'Ache palette. It works very well with the Inktense.
Anne, I do like the Inktense a wee bit for first layers, although (as you stated) the Canson paper is not good for that. To me, the Graphitint cannot really be used alone to produce a finished work, as the values are not dark enough. I may use them for detail work, but I don't think I would buy them again.