Wayne, there’s a fair amount of anger in your lines. I have no idea whether you were a member of WC or not. However, if you can access old threads over there you’ll find that years ago I started threads that dealt specifically with art/money, money/art.
Is it sheer hypocrisy to claim that the ultimate measure of a “good” work of art is the amount some schmock pays for it?? Who the f..k knows?!?
As for what you had to say about the feel good thingy that turns into throw in the garbage thingy later on, yup! You are spot on, in my particular case I go over it again and again as opposed to chucking it. Better for environmental purposes…
Learning?? Oh well, maybe, maybe not…. Certain big shots who command(ed) many millions for their works, whether YOU like them or not, stopped thinking that there’s anything else they needed to learn. If they said the opposite it was only to pretend to be modest, which they were (are) not!
Is it sheer hypocrisy to claim that the ultimate measure of a “good” work of art is the amount some schmock pays for it?? Who the f..k knows?!?
As for what you had to say about the feel good thingy that turns into throw in the garbage thingy later on, yup! You are spot on, in my particular case I go over it again and again as opposed to chucking it. Better for environmental purposes…
Learning?? Oh well, maybe, maybe not…. Certain big shots who command(ed) many millions for their works, whether YOU like them or not, stopped thinking that there’s anything else they needed to learn. If they said the opposite it was only to pretend to be modest, which they were (are) not!