From Life .. Bottle of Flowers


old man
Bottled Yellow2.jpg

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted April 4/24
...set it up on my table in front of my palette and went to town on the painting .. an old wine bottle on a plastic basket of some sort in front of my big screen tv that I use to project my subjects when I use photos. Here, as you can see, I condensed the scene and left a few shapes to make the composition interesting. Comments always welcome.
This is lovely. I like the shapes and flow. One tiny critique, the last flower on my left as I view it kisses the square shape and is confusing whether the shape is behind or between the flowers. Maybe it is a Matisse painting. Or just my eyes. I'm smiling. Your yellow is great, I always have trouble with yellow shadows.
I like the way the shapes fit together, like an added layer of interest in the painting. The flowers are beautiful and like Jo says, the dark yellows are very convincing. There’s something special about work done from life and you nailed it, Wayne!
Thank you Joe.

Thank you Jo. Actually it is over but the petals are near as dark as the background.

Thank you Donna.
I really like the composition of this one, particularly the contrast between the diagonal of the flowers and the big rectangle in the background. Lovely yellows too 🙂
Beautiful yellows! I love the angle and flow of those flowers. The light on the wine bottle and especially the odd tilt of the plastic basket it's standing on give this one an extra zing factor. Great shapes and colors and textures. ❤️
Excellent! Your yellows in the flowers stand out great. I also like the tension in the informal balance. Well done. ❤️ ❤️
It's a beauty Wayne! I am currently working on some daffodils as well, but they last me about few hours and had to do it from a reference
:) , it was way too hot here.

Thanks Sno.

Thank you Zoran. Cool here. We just had a blast of snow.

Thanks Sanlynn
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