I close my eyes, and I slip away ... Roy Orbison... I think


old man

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted June 26/24

This is the last one before a temporary break of a day of so. Got some nasty bug that is sucking the life out of me. Anyway, for this one I took out my colors and make a palette with a mother color and then used the blue with a small square brush to draw shapes on the paper. Positioned my brush where the bottle would be and then closed my eyes and sketched the shape and on and on. Filled some likes let some slip away but was happy with the airy content of the still life where things and are aren't. Thanks for looking.
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Such beautiful and harmonious colors! Wow this is really gorgeous, Wayne! Thank you for describing how you created this; it does feel very airy and I can’t get over how well the background color enhances the whole thing. As soon as I read your title “More than a Feeling” by Boston popped into my head but if Roy did it first I wouldn’t be surprised. Sorry you’ve got a bug and I hope it won’t keep you down long.
Sorry you aren't feeling well, Wayne, I'm catching a summer bug myself. But you made a lovely painting here and it is interesting how it came about. ❤️ ❤️
Like the painting and the way you describe it. Not good to feel unwell. I thought my pulse of about 50-55 was slow. Hmmm. Feel better soon!
Thanks Jo ... it was a fun exercise.

Actually for a month I barely went over 50 .. today I hit 60 ... must be the oxygen from the inhaler I started last night that has opened me up a little. Will be interesting to see how that changes over the next week or so.
Love this painting and your explanation. Hope you’re feeling better. That’s a pretty slow heart rate you were experiencing before your inhaler.
Thank you Sanlynn.
It’s gone down again. I am on a heart drug that controls the beat as I suffer from irregular heat beat as well. I think I’m a pill container for the doctor’s amusement. 😂 blood thinners, blue pressure pills, irregular beat pills, it never ends and my blood pressure goes all over the place but constant. It’s weird. I blow his machine out of the water with high and I’m low on mine. Mine is closer to the drug store one than his is. I have an Omron which is what they use in doctor’s offices so I don’t doubt my machine. I guess this old body has a mind of its own.
Thank you Sanlynn.
It’s gone down again. I am on a heart drug that controls the beat as I suffer from irregular heat beat as well. I think I’m a pill container for the doctor’s amusement. 😂 blood thinners, blue pressure pills, irregular beat pills, it never ends and my blood pressure goes all over the place but constant. It’s weird. I blow his machine out of the water with high and I’m low on mine. Mine is closer to the drug store one than his is. I have an Omron which is what they use in doctor’s offices so I don’t doubt my machine. I guess this old body has a mind of its own.
My husband’s specialist suggested taking our home monitor with us to compare it with our doctors. We will do that next week. It will be interesting to see if there’s much of a difference.
As soon as I read your title “More than a Feeling” by Boston popped into my head but if Roy did it first I wouldn’t be surprised.
I think you're right - Boston is the band. I've not heard anything relating to Roy Orbison in regards to this particular song, but what the heck do I know? ;)
Wayne, this painting just pops off the screen for me with this colorful, bright palette. I love it!!

Sorry you're having so deal with any health issues during this interesting time in your art journey. You've been very focused lately and shown us some beautiful work. ❤️ Get better soon!
Absolutely beautiful painting Wayne! As always.... You are so good! ♥️

I am worried about your blood pressure and pulse. You have the opposite issues as I do.
Thanks Ayin .. yea .. had one stroke so I don't especially like the blood pressure running crazy but the doctor doesn't seem overly worried .. then again, it's not his body ..