Freckled boy practice


Active member
Here's my latest practice in acrylic on cardboard

I like the relaxed feeling of not needing to get an exact likeness, and of just casual practice. I splashed on some shadows.
I used Golden paints and homemade mixes with Golden mediums (matte, extra heavy and Open gel). I have lots of jars of pigment.
Don't mix Prussian blue PB 27 with acrylic. It won't mix, as I learned.
Here is the reference image:
I contributed a post! I guess I am impressed with this website :)
Wonderful piece, especially that you consider this practice! Happy that you are posting your work, and I hope we see more. :)
This is a really accomplished portrait! Great choice of background colour as well!
Wow! That's practice? Pretty darn impressive. Yes, his eyes are smiling too. Hard to get a straight-on view like this and not be exactly symmetrical, yet it is symmetrical enough/natural. Very very good work! ♥️ ♥️ ♥️