Fly Saucers Aren’t Real,

Mississippi Hippie

Well-known member
I made this painting but got negative feedback about the whole process so I haven’t made Art for at least two weeks, after reading things like Fahrenheit 451 and Dover Beach after a meme I saw, I want to express something poetic alongside my poems with feeling, something about history.. color
You do you, and you cannot go wrong. ❤️

The internet can be a wonderful place - like here at Creative Spark, for instance! - but it can also make people have to read a bunch of crap and feel bad about what they are trying to express. I'm sorry that happened to you. Nothing should make you feel like setting art aside due to THAT. :(

I like your palette here, the bold shapes and textures. It's adventurous!
Sorry about the negative feedback. It’s hard to take when you feel that you put a lot of yourself into a work. I’m glad you’re back at it! I like this one, especially the white fluffy shapes that made me think immediately of clouds.
Don't let those F'ers get you down! I like this one. I know how sometimes it's easy to focus on the bad, but think about all the GOOD feedback you get. I'm sure there's much more of that than bad. And consider the source. You are a good artist, and you get better and better all the time. Remember that. ;) ♥️
Thankyou, the things you’ve all written are so true! You shouldn’t let what some people say get you down.. lately on certain sites and apps the comments can be out there, and people can say what they want more power to um’ sticks and stones
Dave that story is such an inspiration, I gotta start sending art to tv personalities, lol, once maybe 4 or 5 years ago the brewery I was hanging paintings at had a comedy show and a tv personality family filmed there.. wish I wasn’t so timid maybe I could have made it a bigger opportunity..
Dave that story is such an inspiration, I gotta start sending art to tv personalities, lol, once maybe 4 or 5 years ago the brewery I was hanging paintings at had a comedy show and a tv personality family filmed there.. wish I wasn’t so timid maybe I could have made it a bigger opportunity..
It isn't for everyone, giving art away, but it is amazing for me to paint a story that means something to someone.