Fluxus Art


There was mention of the Fluxus art movement in a recent thread, and I thought I'd bring it up here. It happened in the 1960s and 70s among artists, designers, poets, and even musicians. It was considered "Avant-garde." It came from the influences of Duchamp, John Cage's experimental music, and a combination of the Dada poets, mail art, "happenings," ready-made art, and conceptual art.

One of my favorite artists in this movement who were mentioned was Ray Johnson. There is a wonderful documentary about him called How to Draw a Bunny (2002) that I highly recommend! The link is on Vimeo and I think it might be the whole film. If it isn't, you can probably find it on Amazon Prime or perhaps Netflix, but I'm not sure. Here are a few of Ray Johnson's pieces, and some of you may finally get the historical "banana" reference now:





Some of the notable artist from the movement are Yoko Ono (and John Lenon), Joseph Beuys, John Cage, Nam June Paik, and Al Hansen. There are many more listed on Wikipedia.

Al Hansen is the grandfather of musician Beck Hansen, who I once babysat. I knew/know his older brother, who is an incredible textile artist, Channing Hansen. Some years ago, I saw a really inspired exhibit of Al Hansen's work at the Santa Monica Museum and Beck did a performance piece with him where they sat across a long table. They slid a live microphone back and forth across it between them said things to each other through the mic. It was fully entertaining, and noisy. This was shortly before Al died. Very memorable. The show also included Al's artwork--collages mostly, made from cigarette butts, Hershey's bar wrappers, Marlboro boxes, etc.:



Thanks for the write-up and photos, this is something I wasn't aware of before! It's interesting stuff. I really like the first picture you posted.
This is so cool! ❤️ That other thread was very enlightening, and I just love seeing these examples and additional info.
Thank you for posting this! Exposure to less well-known art is one of the important reasons I love Creative Spark. I knew about the Fluxus movement, but had somehow forgotten about it. I think I read somewhere that La Monte Young is should be included in the movement?

I see a bit of Paolozzi in that first work with the head. The last collage recalls Kurt Schwitters and Braque.