

Well-known member
After Temptation I wanted to do another painting with two figures... but this time it was to be a male & female figure. I often begin with just a small formal idea. With this painting, I started with a favorite painting by Fra Filippo Lippi: The Madonna and Child with Angels. I had always loved the way he framed the eyes of one of the angels in the window formed by Mary's hands and Christ's arms, legs, and torso:


So I had a male nude kneeling behind a female figure.



While I started drawing the figures nude, I was thinking at the time that they would end up clothed. The male figure was to be Spiderman and the woman was going to be Cat Woman or Wonder Woman... at least that was my thinking at the time.:unsure:



When I reached this stage above... I began working on the Spiderman costume... and I absolutely hated it. After several attempts I just found myself thinking that I hated the kneeling male figure all together... and so I completely removed him:


Flora Face2.700.jpg

The resulting completed painting became Flora... goddess of flowers... owing more to Botticelli than Fra Filippo Lippi:


This was the first painting that pointed toward my more recent works with the large halo and wreath of flowers. I had planned on a large painting... maybe 8 feet tall by 20 feet wide... that would be inspired by the whole of Primavera:


That idea is on hold for the time being until I get into a real studio space again. :cry:
seen now, it is a wonderful painting.
nice, interesting, read about the idea, about the changes in progress.