Exploring Triple Art Pieces


Active member
I'm sure you've all seen Artwork divided up into threes and I have created two different ones. The first one is more of a simplified pattern, and they are colored Yellow-Orange and Green. Since the objects resemble sliced fruit (Lemon-Orange-Lime) I've named it "Triple Citrus". It is sized 16" x 48" and would be ONE print.


The second one is a bit more complex, with much more details, so I am thinking it would be fine to create THREE separate prints and hang them together. I purposely oriented the flutes/lines to flow upward on the center piece, rightward on the right piece and leftward on the left piece. They are 18" wide and 24" tall, so placed together (with a small gap between each one) would make them fill about 60" of wall space...


I welcome any / all thoughts....