Edge Of the Field

Great, looks just like the edge of many fields, with the rocks, the broken fence, and the trees. Good job! ❤️ ❤️
This makes me miss “my” woods back in NY so much! A snow-covered woods is such a wonderful place to be and I wish I could go exploring around in your painting, Wayne, unless there’s a skunk living in that fallen tree in which case I’ll stay put.
Thank you Sno. There’s a lot of broken fences. 🙂

Thanks Donna. I didn’t see one but I lost my sense of smell about five years ago so I can’t say for sure.
What stunning greens and blues! I love everything about this one: composition, palette, and the texture - yum!!! ❤️
Thanks Terri. Tomorrow’s will be different. I have grown fond of brush marks. They compliment knife slides but stand verybwell on their own.
I use Xl Acrilic and Oil. Useless for acrylics as it curls but excellent for oil. I have pieces in frames for over two years with just a back board behind them and they haxe not warped or curled, I have others standing between the original covers they came in and they are straight after 3 years. Amazing as I use cold wax as a medium and I mix it about 75% to paint. Very high ration recommended for boards only. I also use thick paint. I find it expensive but Covid did that. It was 23.00 for a pad of 20 sheets of 11 x 14 but now in the thirties. .
Thank you.
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