Doggie commission


Supporting Member
I've been working on this what seems like forever. Had lots of paint dry on the palette, but could only paint in short segments. It is almost finished now. I will pick at it some more because as always, I see things that need correcting right AFTER I post it. Hopefully I can get a better photo soon. We haven't seen the sun in days and days so the photo is off, color is wrong.
almost done.jpg
Wow! EXCELLENT! The fur is magnificent sno! I like how it softly blends into the background. This is really stellar. Congrats on another successful piece. Can't wait to see what you did to make it even better! ♥️
Wow from me too! You made their fur look so soft and their eyes have a sense of soul - they aren't just blank. I notice how you put some light behind the ear on the left - that's such a nice touch! Stunning work, sno!
had to come back .. forgot to say that the light in the dog's eyes is a great lesson in rendering life to an eye.
Thank you so much Wayne, Ayin, Donna, Cali, Wayne again and Dave. I appreciate all the nice comments. ❤️❤️
This is beautiful work! The eyes are so compelling, they draw you right in. Every aspect is wonderful. Just brilliant work, Sno! ❤️
È giá un amore, non potevano sperare in qualcosa di più Saranno strafelici.