Does anyone need simple watercolor paints?


I have a small set of slightly used Pentel watercolors. I've had them a while and have used mostly red and the blue, but there's enough left to experiment with. I'll also throw in some Canson watercolor paper. And, if you're in the US, I'll even pay for the shipping.

These are 12ml tubes. Twelve very basic colors.



Nice offer and I hope some aspiring artist takes you up on it, Ayin. I remember buying little Pentel tubes decades ago when I was starting to paint.
Have you considered making contact with a local school where you can donate any spare materials.
I live in a small village in England and over time have built a rewarding relationship with the primary schools headmaster passing on any art, craft or surplus photography supplies I have spare.
The children are fantastic and get the opportunity to have after school art, craft and photography activities to which I am often invited.
It is heart-warming to be able to encourage future generations.
Just as suggestion.
Have you considered making contact with a local school where you can donate any spare materials.
I live in a small village in England and over time have built a rewarding relationship with the primary schools headmaster passing on any art, craft or surplus photography supplies I have spare.
The children are fantastic and get the opportunity to have after school art, craft and photography activities to which I am often invited.
It is heart-warming to be able to encourage future generations.
Just as suggestion.
That's a GREAT idea! Thanks for this. I will gather up all that I have and make a trip to the school. :)