Design your own album cover


Well-known member
Well, why not resurrect this thread as well?

bach coffee cantata.jpg
Les Sacre du Printemps.650.jpg

I thought I'd post a few of my older efforts here while I think about a new one. The Rite of Spring is probably my favorite Modernist work of classical music and one I have toyed with making a painting inspired by for years. That will need to wait for the time being as I struggle with working on a far more limited scale. By the way... the nude dancer wasn't selected at random. The Rite of Spring famously shocked many in the audience at its premiere... but it wasn't so much the music, it was the erotic nature of the dance.


I went to see Strauss' Salomé at the theater some years back. Oddly enough, the Hollywood film version with Rita Hayworth played the evening before and my wife watched this thinking she'd be ready for the opera. Little did she know how demented... perverted... and shocking Strauss' opera... with a libretto written by Oscar Wilde... would be. :LOL: It was a spectacle of sex, incest, and blood lust with the most gorgeous and sensuous music.
Ha! Great!
I'll be happy to develop and contribute my own versions of LP-covers, as this was one of my very special skills in my teens.

Till then, you may be pleased by the following, which had been my contribution to a contest of Taschen-Verlag in 2015, when they asked for photographs of their readers with books/covers of theirs.
What I did was re-installing 4 of their book-covers with myself being the model.

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