P.S. to add that I understand about the glow.
Both are beautiful renditions of the glow - it's a very real thing, and changes literally from one moment to the next in, for example, the pre-dawn moments. One could say you have succeeded in capturing two slightly different moments of the same scene.
But since you prefer that first glow (and it is very beautiful), you can add it. (May involve lifting some blue? Don't know what you did first time around. In fact, I'm pretty clueless in general LOL, but I still think you can add glow...) (I could be wrong, but I think I've done that with watercolor in the dim and distant past LOL, and for sure it would require a delicate touch, but you've already proven you have that.) (Or I could be wrong about the whole issue of adding paleness, in which case, please forgive me
But let's pretend it can be done... it looks like in the first rendition, your "glow wash" (I don't really know what words to use here) also washed the stone face, and that's wonderful... but what if in the 2nd rendition, that imposing mountain was *not* "front-washed" with the glow???
In other words, what if you added sky glow now, without front-washing the stone itself?
As a ProCreate expert, you could try "glowing" your sky in several different ways, right on copies of the photo of your 2nd rendition. That way, you don't risk your 2nd painting...
Both are beautiful renditions of the glow - it's a very real thing, and changes literally from one moment to the next in, for example, the pre-dawn moments. One could say you have succeeded in capturing two slightly different moments of the same scene.
But since you prefer that first glow (and it is very beautiful), you can add it. (May involve lifting some blue? Don't know what you did first time around. In fact, I'm pretty clueless in general LOL, but I still think you can add glow...) (I could be wrong, but I think I've done that with watercolor in the dim and distant past LOL, and for sure it would require a delicate touch, but you've already proven you have that.) (Or I could be wrong about the whole issue of adding paleness, in which case, please forgive me

But let's pretend it can be done... it looks like in the first rendition, your "glow wash" (I don't really know what words to use here) also washed the stone face, and that's wonderful... but what if in the 2nd rendition, that imposing mountain was *not* "front-washed" with the glow???
In other words, what if you added sky glow now, without front-washing the stone itself?
As a ProCreate expert, you could try "glowing" your sky in several different ways, right on copies of the photo of your 2nd rendition. That way, you don't risk your 2nd painting...

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