Thank you very much Deborah.Love this composition. Great sky. The barn is like a little jewel for the painting.
Thanks as always, sno, I feel that we are on the same page most of the time.Van Gogh-ish. Very nice.
Hey Wayne, thanks for the input and suggestion. I think I will take a shot at what you are suggesting.Very lovely. Very you. would like to see you experiment with light and shadow but within the confines of what you are now painting.
Susan, thank you for your valued opinion.Another good one, Trier! A third pole would enhance it a bit, but not really necessary IMHO. Wonderful colors.
Thank you Donna, I am very glad you like it.Oh that sky! I love how it contrasts with the simplicity of the barn. The poles work so well to draw us down the road. I like this one a lot, Trier.
Thanks Arty, I appreciate your eye for composition.Beautiful sky! I really like the format on this. I like that it's just two poles (my opinion). It has perfect compositional balance.
Thank you Terri, very reassuring.I love this exactly the way it is! I'm not missing the third pole. All curves, swirls, beautiful sky and a perfect little hillside barn. It's just wonderful!
Thanks PSA, the sky is where the spirit blossoms.Love the sky
Hey Perry, this would possibly look good as a basis for one of your great charcoal works.I like the sky also and the land is cool.
Great painting. Interesting things going on, the mass of the sky against the mass of the mountain, and between them a tiny house and road. The utility poles are interesting because at first glance, with only one cross piece, they look likc crucifixes. I thought the house was a church. Just my observations, it is a powerful painting, I like it.