Thanks Trier and Nufocus. The colors are showing a bit garish in the photo. The camera seems to be picking them up much different than in real life. I'm going to try to get a better photo today.
Well, it's so beautiful despite how the colors are turning out in the photo. I tend to take mine outside in the shade to get a more accurate of the light.
Not to be a stickler...I sure don't want the same thing to happen as what did in the thread with Trier, but can you not call me "ma'am?" I know you probably don't mean anything by it, but I still am not correcting people about my gender and it just feels like I am letting it go every time I don't say anything. I want to feel like my identity matters in some way.
If you still refuse to call me my proper pronouns--they/them/theirs (and that's your choice), then we're dealing with something all together different and not an oversight.
That is pretty Bongo but much too desaturated. That was the trouble I had. I messed with it in photoshop for ages and could never match the color to what was on the canvas. But thanks for trying.