Cloud Gazing


old man

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Dec 15/22
Donna. This is as abstract as I'll ever get ..
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Spectacular! Perfect! Love it!
Amazing how you painted the green in the front area: they are like green plants showing under water/ice - love all the blues & greens in the painting.
Thank you CaliAnn, Moscatel, Terry, and Zen

I actually meant as abstract as I can get on a landscape .. other subjects don't seem to have as many restrictions in my mind.
What a gorgeous arrangement of shapes and colors! I think I know what you mean about getting abstract with landscapes, Wayne. If we totally lose the landscape look in order to make it abstract then is it any kind of landscape anymore? Too much for my simple mind to contemplate. :)
Thank you Donna.
Me thinks you might be right. I'll forget about what I want and let the picture or my mood dictate.

Thanks Ekik
Wayne you just painted six great abstracts and put all them together so it got real. The lower left 1/6 is really cool. Just paint that next time. ;)
Although colors were the first element catching my eyes, it is the structure of various plans. from the water in the foreground to the sky & clouds in the background that catches my mind. In between, there are 3 plans of shores and mountains, each one behind and behind thanks to the very good use of perspective and color properties. It's a course for me !
:) (y)