Man on the rocks


old man
Nfld Rocks3.jpg

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Sept 15/24
... starting to get tacky with detail so the next one will try to get back on track

distance view>>>
Nfld Rocks3xx.jpg
That’s close enough to the edge! Very imposing rock and the reflected blues add a lot to that shadow side.
The proportions look more like Boy on the Rocks, but he better watch how much closer he gets to the edge! Well done, Wayne. ❤️
Thank you Donna, Jo, and Sno.

Was my cousins husband. He was not that close, I moved him for composition.
I was wondering if the model was really that close - it's a terrific composition and once again, you are mastering these rock cliffs. Excellent shadowing. Perfect blues for the water. Love it!