Chat about the Earths' current climate...

Dave Woody

Well-known member
The Earth is the landlord. We are tenants.

I suggest it is not the 'power' of humans that are affecting the current
conditions of warming, it is the irregular orbit of the planet which is in a phase
of 'closer approach' to the local star at this time.

Humankind might progress to thwart the next ice age.
I don't know, D., better to ask the scientists who have devoted a lifetime in the field. We sure are Nightmare Tenants though.
I suggest you take a deeper look at the science. By now it is very clear human influence is the decisive factor in the current global heating of our climate. A next ice age is currently the least of our worries....
I don't know where you got the "irregular orbit" idea, but that is truly (and thankfully) nonsense. Earth's orbit isn't irregular at all. It moves very regular more and less distant to our star in an elliptical orbit, this is a yearly cyclus that does not have a significant influence on the planet's temperature.
Dave, I didn't know you had any background to know about these things. Are these just guesses of yours? Where do you get your information? Do you think science is bunk? This can turn into a big debate because there are people that don't "believe" in science, which is like believing in conspiracies. Spreading false information is not so welcome here, so it's not really a conversation if that was your intention for the thread.
Dave, you mentioned Darwin. I wonder if you are familiar with Jonathan Kingdon. He grew up in Africa, Tanzania. I found what he had to say on the origins behind the current predicament fascinating. There are a couple of podcasts on the BBC World Service, from the Nineties, granted, but no less relevant, and we are lay people after all.

Lay people. Well, yeah!
I may be desperate. But not that desperate.

Saying that. Once upon a time, there was a pretty cute chinchilla...
The Earth is the landlord. We are tenants.

I suggest it is not the 'power' of humans that are affecting the current
conditions of warming, it is the irregular orbit of the planet which is in a phase
of 'closer approach' to the local star at this time.

Humankind might progress to thwart the next ice age.
Hey Dave - how do I get my security deposit back when my tenancy ends ?! (any time now) Joke
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Hey Dave - I see from some comments that my joke might be seen as mocking your thoughts, which was not my intention at all. Just gallows humor.

I think I saw an article on some site that said just about exactly what you said, that the distance between the earth and the sun varied a little on some sort of schedule and that we were going to get more heat from the sun this year.
Maybe you read it also.
I will try to find it again.
Are we moving closer to the sun? No, to the contrary;
There is quite a strong scientific consensus on this matter, not really room for discussion, or different opinions. (What I mean is thinking the earth is getting closer to the sun is an opinion comparable to "the earth is flat").
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Of course, you joke.

You are joking, right?


It is round, of course,
and is held aloft on the shell of a giant tortoise.

Actually, I quite like that idea, as an image, of course.

I think something close to that may have been a myth held by an indigenous people.
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It is round, of course,
and is held aloft on the shell of a giant tortoise.

Actually, I quite like that idea, as an image, of course.

I think something close to that may have been a myth held by an indigenous people.
I know the Iroquois had stories along those lines.
Iroquois. Thanks. I should look into that. I mean, I find the familiar images and designs quite beautiful...

The Phoenix has always been a symbol that resonated with me.