Berg en Dal – 02-05-23

AI is going to have a ball with your style. Although your style is unique, it will be easy to copy. Of course a real drawing on board paper, signed by you, is more valuable than a digital print out, but times are changing. A collector would want the real deal, I guess. Then again, with all this NFT stuff going on, like the ridiculous "bored apes", a digital file could be just as valuable in the near future.

I think a lot about this, because I make digital drawings. An AI can't steal my style (yet), so for the time being I'm not worried. And I must admit, I find it very interesting how AI is messing up the market. Still, unforeseeable things are going to happen. It will last my time, but young artists better get a handle on it.

I like your drawing, Corné, especially what you did with the light. If you're Dutch, were you inspired by the "Vermeer year" in The Netherlands?
AI is going to have a ball with your style. Although your style is unique, it will be easy to copy. Of course a real drawing on board paper, signed by you, is more valuable than a digital print out, but times are changing. A collector would want the real deal, I guess. Then again, with all this NFT stuff going on, like the ridiculous "bored apes", a digital file could be just as valuable in the near future.

I think a lot about this, because I make digital drawings. An AI can't steal my style (yet), so for the time being I'm not worried. And I must admit, I find it very interesting how AI is messing up the market. Still, unforeseeable things are going to happen. It will last my time, but young artists better get a handle on it.

I like your drawing, Corné, especially what you did with the light. If you're Dutch, were you inspired by the "Vermeer year" in The Netherlands?
Why do you think your digital art is immune to (unauthorised) use by AI. The only way that's possible is when it is not accessible, as in not available online. Yours is....

I hope you live a long and happy life so I also think the assessment "it will last my time" is a gross underestimating of the lightning speed this fenomenon is moving at....

NB. Lovely drawing!
👋 The thread for discussing AI is here :)

It's a fantastic landscape! Love those strong shadows. And I really like your use of straight lines and angles.
Such beautiful play of light and shadow! If I try to imagine it in color, I think of Lyonel Feininger and maybe a little of some of August Macke. But really, I can't imagine this as other than monochrome.

What a lovely transition you imagine for your niece, moving on through a forest path dappled with gently filtered light such as this.
Why do you think your digital art is immune to (unauthorised) use by AI. The only way that's possible is when it is not accessible, as in not available online. Yours is....

I hope you live a long and happy life so I also think the assessment "it will last my time" is a gross underestimating of the lightning speed this fenomenon is moving at....

NB. Lovely drawing!
Hi E.J.H.

"Why do you think your digital art is immune to (unauthorised) use by AI. The only way that's possible is when it is not accessible, as in not available online. Yours is...."

AI needs thousands of drawings in a certain style. My style is unique. It is a combination of stylized figurative drawing and free counterpoint (as in music). I don't think I'll make more than a hundred drawings. Besides, because of my style and the way AI works, any generic AI will make a mess of my drawings. I've tried them all. If you don't believe me, try the (resized) example I uploaded. Feed it to any AI and the result will be terrible.

If I wrote an application myself, modified the logarithms and feed the software only the drawings I made, it might work. Then again, I've been toying with this idea for years and I probably don't need AI at all. I have some experience in programming and I think it's not that hard. Because I know my style and I'm the only one who knows how I work.

"I hope you live a long and happy life so I also think the assessment "it will last my time" is a gross underestimating of the lightning speed this fenomenon is moving at...."

Ah, yes, I understand what you mean. But you don't know my age. I think I'll be at the light at the end of the tunnel before AI catches up. Although I am very interested in the phenomenon. I will probably write the software myself. If I can find time, because at the moment I prefer to cycle in nature among the other pensioners. Maybe next winter.

The original drawing is about 10,000 pixels wide, so I resized it. Don't want to break the forum. The title is "Three Worlds".

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AI is going to have a ball with your style. Although your style is unique, it will be easy to copy. Of course a real drawing on board paper, signed by you, is more valuable than a digital print out, but times are changing. A collector would want the real deal, I guess. Then again, with all this NFT stuff going on, like the ridiculous "bored apes", a digital file could be just as valuable in the near future.

I think a lot about this, because I make digital drawings. An AI can't steal my style (yet), so for the time being I'm not worried. And I must admit, I find it very interesting how AI is messing up the market. Still, unforeseeable things are going to happen. It will last my time, but young artists better get a handle on it.

I like your drawing, Corné, especially what you did with the light. If you're Dutch, were you inspired by the "Vermeer year" in The Netherlands?
Thanks. I'm not worried about AI. I wrote an art statement some time ago: Recently I ran 2 queries 'make a cubist nude, cat, open window in the style of Fernand Léger, Picasso, Juan Gris and Corné Akkers' through AI. They all looked the same. Totally bland and without any specific style. I came to the conclusion that AI is nothing more but a complex algorithm, evening out extremities in an average taste to be easily digested by the masses, like Heineken and Budweiser. 90% prefer these beers over special / local ones. I think the same applies to true art. I guess I'm only catering to true art collectors' tastes.

Last but not least, of course I'm inspired by Vermeer. Living here in The Hague, it's impossible to be unaffected by his lecagy. I live next door to The Girl with the Pearl Earring and Delft is just around the corner. So I made a couple of drawings of Delft. Here's one:

Such beautiful play of light and shadow! If I try to imagine it in color, I think of Lyonel Feininger and maybe a little of some of August Macke. But really, I can't imagine this as other than monochrome.

What a lovely transition you imagine for your niece, moving on through a forest path dappled with gently filtered light such as this.
Thanks :) In fact, I'm planning one in color, in pastel that will be. Here's one that was made on the same spot about 10 years ago. This one will be more cubist though, I think.

Corne, your art is simply exquisite. You are clearly accomplished and unique. Everything you've been posting have so many distinct elements of great skill, and I just wanted to tell you so. Excellent work! ❤️ As for the first you posted in this thread, the style and light (and shadow) are very compelling. Well done! :)
Hi E.J.H.

"Why do you think your digital art is immune to (unauthorised) use by AI. The only way that's possible is when it is not accessible, as in not available online. Yours is...."

AI needs thousands of drawings in a certain style. My style is unique. It is a combination of stylized figurative drawing and free counterpoint (as in music). I don't think I'll make more than a hundred drawings. Besides, because of my style and the way AI works, any generic AI will make a mess of my drawings. I've tried them all. If you don't believe me, try the (resized) example I uploaded. Feed it to any AI and the result will be terrible.

If I wrote an application myself, modified the logarithms and feed the software only the drawings I made, it might work. Then again, I've been toying with this idea for years and I probably don't need AI at all. I have some experience in programming and I think it's not that hard. Because I know my style and I'm the only one who knows how I work.

"I hope you live a long and happy life so I also think the assessment "it will last my time" is a gross underestimating of the lightning speed this fenomenon is moving at...."

Ah, yes, I understand what you mean. But you don't know my age. I think I'll be at the light at the end of the tunnel before AI catches up. Although I am very interested in the phenomenon. I will probably write the software myself. If I can find time, because at the moment I prefer to cycle in nature among the other pensioners. Maybe next winter.

The original drawing is about 10,000 pixels wide, so I resized it. Don't want to break the forum. The title is "Three Worlds".
Rowy, you can't break the forum because there's a limit on how many pixels you can post. But that's beside the point. Try not to get defensive or set off a divisive conversation (AI is actually a sensitive subject in the landscape of art and artists), and especially bring it up in someone else's thread.

Kay mentioned that you can take the AI conversation to another thread and gave you a link to that thread. Don't then argue why you continue to talk about it when YOU brought up the subject to begin with. Then you're posting your art on the thread on top of that. You can feel free to create your own original post on this topic and for your work. Thanks.
Corne, your art is simply exquisite. You are clearly accomplished and unique. Everything you've been posting have so many distinct elements of great skill, and I just wanted to tell you so. Excellent work! ❤️ As for the first you posted in this thread, the style and light (and shadow) are very compelling. Well done! :)
Thanks. It's for people like you I create art. I appreciate it.