Art and Humor

I might have sent this some time ago... but it still cracks me up:

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This was me over the last few weeks… after buying a lot of stuff earlier this past summer… especially clothing… I wasn’t buying anything unnecessary with school starting and a big automobile bill after my brother wrecked the car followed by needing new tires, bearings, and work on a control arm. :(
Online is getting addictive. and trying to buy things locally. Our Walmart has everything in cages. even the local hardware store.
and our Micheals is nice but does not have the selection.
I like the two paintings in the background.

Those are both pictures of Dan Piraro's "secret symbols", some of which he always discreetly inserts into his cartoons. Above or below his signature, he puts a number, in this case 4, telling you how many of the symbols are hidden in the cartoon, and part of the fun is to look for them. In this case, the eyeball on the kid's shirt, and the stick of dynamite in the weird rabbit's mouth are two more.


Some of these Medieval paintings are comic in their own right. These one reminds me of those old Palmolive commercials with Madge: “You’re soaking in it.”

And then we have this one… maybe a dog from Springfield, Ohio. 😆
