Apples on the Loose Soft Pastel Sketch

Jo Castillo

Contributing Member
I sketched for the Scavenger Hunt but thought I would put it here as I haven't been painting much. About an hour total on wiped off Pastelbord. It was dark green and after wiping and wetting and letting it dry, I just left the background as it was pretty much. 8 x 10 inches, various pastels.

Apples on the Loose
Pastelbord 8 x 10 inches
Jo, these are beautiful apples! Your wipe-off method always seems to work so well and the background is perfect. You may not have noticed but I think Wayne likes this one too!
Your apples are gorgeous, Jo! Just bright pops of intense colors. You created the perfect background for them, with the wiping off of that green - leaving just enough to be a wonderful complement.

I'm completely charmed. ❤️
Outstanding highlights and color. Hard to believe that was done so quickly!
Wayne, you and Donna made me laugh out loud. Thank you. For the words, too.

Donna, thanks. Happy accidents are great as Bob Ross used to say. The background sure did fit.

Joy, thanks. I paint fast always but especially when I'm sketching and perfection isn't required.

snoball, thank you. It is interesting to try red and green and not get a totally Christmas look.