East Pond Pastel Plein Air Sketch

Jo Castillo

Contributing Member
I sketched on the porch. Just about an hour to enjoy the beautiful day. A bit windy but so nice just to be outside. This is on a 5 x 7 inch Pastelbord. I wiped off a dark green surface that previously held red poinsettias. Our prompt in the Scavenger Hunt was "waterscape".

I took a photo of the scene about an hour later. Light had completely changed.

Excellent sketch! Wish I could whip that out in no time like that. You are so talented. ♥️
Wayne, Enyaw, thank you. I love the trees and pastel.

snoball, thanks. Pretty sketchy, in a painting I might have put in more detail. An ink sketch would be different, too, eh?

Thanks, Artyczar. It is love of medium and too lazy to "do over".

I'm smiling at the nice comments.
Oh Jo, this is so lovely! Your water is just glowing - how you accomplish this is beyond me. Greens are light and airy. Applause!!!
Bongo, thank you. The dark is from the under painting showing through. Just scumbled on the lighter colors. Fun to sketch with pastels, like drawing and painting at the same time.
Sanlynn, thank you. Plein air can be hard. Lots of decisions of what to leave in and what to paint. I get down the big swatches and light, then concentrate on the painting and not what I'm seeing in the changing light. It is my favorite of painting, but can't get out as much, have to stick close to shade and can't carry stuff to walk far.
I’m glad you caught the light on the pines before it changed, Jo. This just looks so inviting - like you could enjoy this view all day. Beautiful work and I hope you’ll be out painting again soon!
Donna T, yes we are lucky to have this view every day. Nice place to walk and sketch. Several benches around almost a mile circle.