Amazing Ink Artist - Nicholas Sanchez


Contributing Member
A YT watercolor (Emily Olson) artist recently posted sketchbook art inspired by the ink art of Nicholas Sanchez. I was really blown away by the detail and the fact that this was accomplished with the multi-color Bic Pens that I used as a kid. I didn't even know these were still in existence! This is inspirational and intimidating!
Those are fabulous! I've seen some amazing pen work, using plain blue bics but these take the cake! I'd love to sit and watch one of these artists work sometimes to see their technique. What they do looks impossible. Thanks for sharing this work.
Those are fabulous! I've seen some amazing pen work, using plain blue bics but these take the cake! I'd love to sit and watch one of these artists work sometimes to see their technique. What they do looks impossible. Thanks for sharing this work.

Emily Olson has a brief video on YT here that shows her filled sketchbook and the technique of starting off with the lighter values/colors. She did a laudable job! Next time I order from Amazon, I will get these pens, as they are so cheap and have stellar ratings.